HARBORT KLAIPEDA is an independent company with its own traditions and history. Established in 2006, the company had several shareholders in Lithuania and Estonia. For a couple of years HARBORT KLAIPEDA was a member of Harbort Group with companies from Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Bulgaria, Denmark. Now due to the service diversification HARBORT KLAIPEDA is absolutely independent company with the main aim to deliver superior services to the customers. HARBORT KLAIPEDA can provide the inspections worldwide, under every condition either in voyage, or during repair works in shipyard or ship staying in port. Company provides a range of services for all ships' types - from a small fishing ships or tugs to tankers and bulk carriers of "aframax" size. The company and skilled personal has a lot of experience working with special-purpose fleet such as semi-submersible lay barges, semi-submersible pipelay vessels, PSV, AHTS, ERRV and subsea support vessels. HARBORT KLAIPEDA team has its mission and vision but first it has the purpose to hear and to listen customers and do all their best to satisfy customer. We are ready to help all the time with the maximum efforts.
Harbort Klaipeda - At any time! At highest level!